Chiropractor for FIFO workers
Low back and neck pain are one of the most common complaints in the mining community; a study done in 2012 by the injury prevention centre showed that 64% of miners had back pain. At Dianella Chiropractic we see a lot of people from the mining community and we understand the impact work related injuries can have on the individual, not only physically but emotionally as well.
Plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain. It occurs when you strain the tendon that runs along the arch of your foot, from your heel bone to your toes. Straining this tendon can cause it to become weak, swollen and inflamed. This can cause pain when you stand or walk and can occur in one foot or both feet. It is most common in people of middle age, or in people who are on their feet a lot- eg. Athletes.
Tennis elbow
Lateral Epicondylitis, or more commonly known as tennis elbow, is a painful condition that happens from overuse of the tendons and muscles that help to move your wrist. It results in inflammation over the tendon insertion causing pain at the elbow. Even though it’s called tennis elbow, only a small group of people actually get it from playing tennis!