Chiropractor for FIFO workers
Low back and neck pain are one of the most common complaints in the mining community; a study done in 2012 by the injury prevention centre showed that 64% of miners had back pain. At Dianella Chiropractic we see a lot of people from the mining community and we understand the impact work related injuries can have on the individual, not only physically but emotionally as well.
Poor posture and pain
Posture is how you hold your body when you’re sitting, laying or standing. Good posture limits the strain on our musculoskeletal system while we do our daily activities. Bad habits such as excessive computer and tablet use, slouching in chairs and not moving as much as we should can all lead to poor posture.
Headaches are a debilitating condition that affect many people at some point in their lives. As they are so common, people think headaches are normal. However, headaches are NOT normal! Some headaches have a serious underlying problem that needs addressing. Pain killers are a Band-Aid approach to headaches- taking away the pain but not the problem.